Sunday, August 9, 2009



The Computing syllabus aims to develop the basic knowledge of information and communication technology and strong skills in programming, information system development, and multimedia development among students to enable them to further their studies at institutions of higher learning in various areas, especially those related to information and communication technology, or to help them embark on a related career.

The objectives of this syllabus are to enable students to :
(a) understand the development and use of information technology in various areas and
its impact on society;
(b) understand the ethical and security issues in use of information technology;
(c) understand the basic concept of computer and communication technology;
(d) understand the basis of construction of algorithm and acquire skills in programming
to solve problems using computers;
(e) understand the principle of information system analysis and design as well as skills in
database design;
(f) understand the concept and components of multimedia and acquire skills in multimedia
applications and development;
(g) acquire skills in the use of database management system software, multimedia
software, and structured programming language;

1. Information and Communication Technology
1.1 Development of Information Technology
1.2 Computer Technology
1.3 Communication Technology
1.4 Information Technology Applications
1.5 Security and Privacy
1.6 Information Technology Ethics

2. Information System Development
2.1 Introduction to System Analysis and Design
2.2 Planning Phase
2.3 Analysis Phase
2.4 Design Phase
2.5 Implementation Phase
2.6 Maintenance Phase
2.7 Introduction to Databases
2.8 Basic Concept of Database
2.9 Planning and Design of Database System
2.10Query Language
2.11Implementation of Database Application System

3. Multimedia
3.1 Multimedia Evolution
3.2 Multimedia Technology
3.3 Multimedia Page
3.4 Multimedia in Network
3.5 Multimedia Development

4. Programming
4.1 Steps of Problem Solving
4.2 Algorithm Construction
4.3 Standard Algorithms
4.4 Basic Data Types
4.5 Evolution of Programming Languages
4.6 Programming Concepts of C Language
4.7 Declaration
4.8 Operators
4.9 C Language Statement
4.10 Functions
4.11 Data Structure Statements
4.12 File Operation of TYPE ASCII/Text
4.13 Problem Solving with C Language


1a) Convert decimal number 234 to a number in each of the following systems: [3m]

i) Binary 11101010

ii) Octal 352

iii) Hexadecimal EA

2. A C code segment is given as follows:

switch (food)
{ case ‘I’ : case ‘i’:
printf(“fried mee”);
case ‘D’ : case ‘d’:
printf(“nasi lemak”);
case ‘P’ : case ‘p’:
case ‘M’ : case ‘m’:

a) Rewrite the C code segment above using the if statement. [6m]

if ((food==’I’ ) (food==’i’ ))
printf(“fried mee”);

else if ((food==’D’ ) (food==’d’ ))
printf(“nasi lemak”);

else if ((food==’P’ ) (food==’p’ ))

else if ((food==’M’ ) (food==’m’ ))

3. A student wishes to calculate the total value of the coins in a savings box manually. Design an algorithm to calculate the total value of the coins in Ringgit Malaysia.[6m]

1.start total unit of one cent, t_one total unit of five cent, t_five total unit of ten cent, t_ten total unit of twenty cent, t_twenty total unit of fifty cent, t_fifty
7.Tot_one= 0.01 * t_one
8.Tot_five= 0.05 * t_five
9.Tot_ten= 0.10 * t_ten
10.Tot_twenty= 0.20 * t_twenty
11.Tot_fifty= 0.50 * t_fifty
12.sum= Tot_one+ Tot_five+ Tot_ten+ Tot_twenty+ Tot_fifty
13.print sum

4. The calculation of annual income tax is based on the following formulae.

Net_pay = Gross_pay + Total_allowance – Total_expenses
Income_tax = Net_pay x Tax

Given that the Tax is 25.7 per cent, write:

a) declaration statement for all the variables of which the values are entered by users. [3m]

float Grosspay, Total_allowance, Total_expenses;

b) declaration statement for all the variables of which the values are obtained by calculation. [2m]

float Net_pay, Income_tax

1 comment:

  1. aren't you missing the logical OR operator in 2.) ?

    if (food == 'I' || food == 'i')
